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awesome game! i would really appriciate an opitions button for changing the controls. and also an higher ai difficulty, keep up the good work!

Thank you so much! The higher AI difficulty is on it's way, and thanks for the suggestion!


that was really fun, if comma and period could be used for player two itd be great as player 1 cant jump while player 2 parries or the tab closes


this is cool game for me and my bro but can you put the parry on ctrl by the arrow keys

Thank you so much for commenting :D. Parries for the 2nd player can now be done by pressing the right ctrl button!




you can do a super jump/ dash jump/ rolling jump which gets you to the other side of the screen pretty quick. just initiate a roll, jump, and let go of forward the first or second frame during the startup of the roll. 3 corndogs outta 2 cream soda doctor peppers (nice). 


- The animations are 11/10, great work

- Very solid and smooth feeling gameplay

- This looks like exactly the type of game I would have played at school during lunch break. Make sure you get this game on! 

- I like the ability to customise your headband colour. Nice touch.

- I don't have anyone I could play this with right now, so I think it would be good if there was some AI, even if it was really really basic (e.g. follows you and randomly attacks you with different combinations so you can practice). I just need something to attack that allows me to get a better feel for the game!

- I was surprised to see that the dive roll attacks the other player! I would have assumed it just gave you momentary invulnerability and granted you easy access to behind your opponent. Perhaps this could even have a counter too, like you could grab/trip your opponent and throw them on the floor as they run past.

- Speaking of grabbing your opponent, it would be cool to have some taunts, either from a distance like rude gestures, or close up like being able to headlock your opponent and scrub their hair with your fist. A harmless action that doesn't take any HP, to just flex that you're in control and winning. 

- I managed to do an uppercut somehow, no idea how I did that. Cannot reproduce lol

- Attack idea: Hold A, press space for kick, but before the kick starts, hold D to lean back and go for a head kick / spinning back kick.

- I like the ability to either run or walk, but double tap seems not the best control, as when you're playing with someone, you're going to be edging closely to each other but not too close, so there will be lots of little rapid adjustments back and forwards as you dare to get closer or quickly back out in panic, and it's too easy to activate the running mode by accident and run right into them. You could lean into this as a "feature" and encourages players to think about their moves more carefully, but it will raise the entry bar of difficulty a lot. My suggestion would be to instead use shift as the run key, or wait a few frames before the speed boost kicks in. 

- I was a little overwhelmed / confused by all the key shortcuts available for parry. Do they all do the same thing? I personally find it a little uncomfortable to reach any of them, and would suggest perhaps holding S, immediately followed by W, D, A, space, shift, or any other key, which would result in different types of blocks in different circumstances. 

That way, you reduce the number of keys to remember (and look at the instructions constantly for), and it's more about experimentation of combinations, rather than referring to the manual. 

- Jumping feels a little sluggish once you're in the air, like you're slowing down? It feels like you lose X velocity by jumping, and also you cannot change direction once you're in the air. I know this is more realistic but being able to change direction mid air is a little like coyote time. It's not realistic at all but it just feels better to play. 

Overall, this is looking great, I look forward to seeing what comes in the next update! do you customize your headband color?


nvm found it, use A/D or </> before a fight

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