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Hey, i found some things that are interesting while testing with some of the characters (ver. 0.4.0):

Dragonfish: As most of you know by now, he has the ex up attack, done by inputing down down, then up + attack. But, the down down input can be hidden in another input, as long as you don't press any other directional input. You can hide it in taunt, dashes, and even other attacks. Maybe someone found this before me, but
i still wanted to mention it here.

Shella Snail: Her ex up attack has a very weird hitbox. It hits when close, but also hits far with the opp in the ground, which's weird, since the animation shows the lighting going up, but it doen't hit if your opp is the "middle distance". I don't think this is intentional behavior.

Totem Monster: You can do the downslam move very fast. Hold down, press jump while still holding down, and as soon as you release jump, you press attack. You'll do the downslam very close to the ground, making it come out fast enough to use in combos like down attack into downslam (edge of the stage), or counter attack after block, since it starts by holding down.

Happy & Mad: I think i found a infinite with Mad. The opp has to be in the edge of the stage, and then you juts spam Mad's dash attack. For some reason, this can cause the knockback to stop working, and you just continue spamming until the opp dies. But, like i said, it "can" happen, cause it's not really consistent, and also requires you to corner your opp, and the first dash attack can simply be blocked. But even tho it's not easy or consistent, i still think that it should be fixed.

Lily & Orbit: For Orbit's attack, you need to charge by holding attack, but the charge is not lost immediately if you release attack. So, you can use this to continue attacking while Orbit still charges.

That's all for now, thanks, and leave your thoughts and observations, and even correct me if needed.


So i did some more testing, and Shella ex up attack only behaves the way i described when Shella is on the right side of the screen. So that problably means that it's not a problem with the hitbox itself, but with the way the game handles the characters when they are on the right side or something like that. Or Weenter just messed up something by accident lol, but idk.


Made an emergency update that fixes the Shella hitbox bug. it was a bug indeed. When spawning the thunder hitbox, it was accidentally flipped for 1 frame, but that is fixed now.

Mad's dash attack also becomes harder to combo the more you use it.

Also, good observations :) and thanks for the bug reports.


thanks! allways happy to help!

how do you do lily and orbit's special inputs


Dragon punch (shoryuken) input. Basically ↓↘ + attack. And you can just hold attack to charge Orbit, and release the button to do the attack.

more frequet updates?


Immaculate style


hey weenty its been 3 weeks i need my fix



thanks babe <3

Good job on forcing an update to come out.


i didnt force anything. things were in motion long before i came and they shall be in motion long after my passing.

hope that helps


I was so excited! I played it on CPU-hard and enjoyed it. dragonfish is the strongest!

why shells so bad :


I think she is pretty good



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Shella is like a high mid tier in my opinion. Shella is slow when moving and attacking, but has a very fast dash with endlag. But you can cancel the dash by crounching, jumping and with the up attack. That might not seem crazy, but trust, it is.

Thanks to the fast dash speed, you can zoom in and out really fast by wavedashing. By dashing canceling with the up attack, you can get into your opp already attacking from a mid distance. 

And last but not least, by dash jumping you inherit the dash speed into the jump horizontal speed, letting you punish fireballs and even combo extend after Shella's dash attack.

Sorry if it was a little confusing, but i really think Shella is good, just takes some pratice.


so weenter I play mb on my xbox but i can't do any of the secret moves so im asking if you can still do secret moves on xbox or its me that just do it right

Hi weenter is not available right now but to my knowledge it does not matter what console you are using. The secret moves are just combos

You should be able to do everything you can do on keyboard. Playing with the d-pad might be a little buggy, but if you're just using the left stick, then I'm not sure what is going wrong.

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Hi Weenter, Just wondering if you had any dev slots open. My friend and I love playing this game; it would be so cool if I could help code it. I am a pixel artist and have some experience in coding. Hope you respond. :)

I can also help by responding to all these comments


Totem monster too op how do you win against it??

If you scroll down there is a tip chart by Jaunted where you can learn a bunch of different stats about totem and how to beat it

All of totem monster's long ranged attacks are very unsafe if they're blocked, so you can try approaching him slowly by walking > blocking (crouching) > walking > blocking.

Totem monster is not that good up-close, since its moves are either very slow to start up, or have a lot of end lag. One exception to this is crouch-attack, which can be safe if it's used at the right distance. However, while using this attack, totem monster is very vulnerable from above, so you can try jumping at him if you're within range of crouchattack, or walk slightly out of range and bait the attack, then jump at him.

Totem monster also has very low health, and a slow fall speed. This means that it is very easy to combo him if you have an attack that sends him upwards.

Hope this helps a little bit :)


Thanks for the help, these do work and I've managed to beat my friends but I still feel  like it should still be nerfed for a better experience :D



Jup, I noticed and that's definitely getting patched next update lol


weenter baby wheres the update

Wierciskoczek baby here it is.

it's basically almost ready to be uploaded but for some secret reasons (not really stuff to be excited about or speculate about. just secret stuff) i can't really upload upload it right here now. i won't upload it till like 3 weeks

but you can play it here already with the password "weenter":

if you find any bugs let me know. it's a balance update and bug fix update. i know it's not exactly what everyone is looking for but as a developer it was really needed, and it's not like there are gonna be no new monsters in the future.


Hey hon. So i checked it out and balancewise it seems better but i think dragonfish needs a lil tweat on stun dmg on down attack. Also increasing the hitbox on shella (my beloved) snail's thunder up attack would make it more viable against shorter opponents like dragonsfish or happy and mad

ok, thanks for letting me know


You can emote with N for player one

  • Player 1’s buttons: F Key and G Key is to attack, H Key is to manual dash, V Key and B Key is to jump.
  • Player 2’s buttons: Arrow keys or IJKL Keys is to move, Numpad 4 and 5 is to Attack, Numpad 1 and 2 is to jump, Numpad 6 is to manual dash, and Numpad 3 is to taunt.

Also i think that a grab could be cool? Its not needed tho also why dosnt this game have a move list it would make easer to know secret moves

Afaik, I know Dragonfish’s secret move (↓↓↑A For EX Up Attack) and Dragonfish EX Fireball (↓↘→A), but I have yet to figure out both of Shella Snail’s EX moves (Since the Hard AI have been using it frequently, and I’ve accidentally used the EX Up Attack which stuns opponent, but couldn’t figure it out how to replicate it).


Shella snail's secret specials are done with charge inputs.

The heart is done by holding away from the opponent (so like walking back, or crouching and holding away) for 1 second, the quickly tapping forwards + attack. You know if you charged for long enough if hearts start appearing around shella

the thunder is done similarly, but with down and up. so you hold down for 1 second, then quickly press up + attack

Important to note that you can charge during other attacks or movement. For example, shella snail can shoot a normal heart by just pressing attack, and while the animation is playing, she can charge heart charged heart.

I think move lists would defeat the porpoise of "secret" moves, no????


Good point i forgor about that im goofy

Wish game was on console but it would probly need online support first and more characters

it is on xbox


Its not made for combos its for charging lily and unblocking people but get your point

Also dash attack as lily and orbit feels useless. Is there anything it combos into?

its just fun jump

How do you input the lily and orbit punch? I figured out all the other inputs, but I can't seem to figure out how to do that specific attack.

(1 edit) (+2)

I think it’s the Dragon Punch Input (→▪↓↘A)


I showed my friends this game and they loved it and I have pich for a character its like cebres but instaed of him being hades pet it would be zues pet


thats pretty cool and also cool pich for a chararcter.

would that be an eagle or a lightning cerberus


too simple, i think there needs to be annother attack button and a grab


youre kinda missing the whole point of the game

theres making the game approachable but i feel like youve gone too far when it comes to dumbing down the complexity.

This is a “beginner-friendly fighting game”, as stated in the description. It’s supposed to have simplistic controls.

a beginner-friendly fighting game should ease you into advanced mechanics like street fighters classic controls this feels more like an action platformer with blocking rather than a fighting game as key fundamentals are completely absent. im not saying it needs 8 buttons and 6 unique mechanics im just saying maybe have 2 buttons so that its 1/3rd of the amount of buttons of a regular fg?

idk, i feel like making a fighting game 1 button and calling it begginer friendly is inately problematic but ig it just aint for me.

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Yeah, I respect your opinion. You want something more complex and traditional. I was thinking that this game was akin to Smash Bros with how simple the controls are.

But even smash has more button inputs, and hell, not as many people know how to block or dodge attacks.😆

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My thoughts on all playable Monsters (Based on fighting against Hard CPU):

  • Dragonfish [Mid A Tier]: My third favorite character, plays like a balanced character akin to Mario. I always love to use Air Attack, Down Attack and Grounded Up Attack, and their projectiles are decent as well. It’s like a better version of Shella Snail, without the lightning special attack. Similar to the other monsters, you can probably string Grounded Up attacks and even keeping the same 3 hit combo on a corner. This is probably Mid A tier due to how strong they are when it comes to their strong anti-air attack (Up Attack). A bit of a side note, but I don’t know how to constantly access the EX projectiles like Shella Snail and Dragonfish.
  • Shella Snail [B Tier]: A decent character, probably harder to master similar to Totem Monster. This CPU, no kidding, LOVES to zone so much, to the point that most monster, even Lily and Orbit, had a harder time approaching because of it. The only flaw I can see is that some attacks come out way too slow to string up attacks, except like Dash Attack leading up to a string of Grounded Up Attack on a corner (Like the hard AI LOVES to spam the dash attack on the corner). The only good factor about this character is their lightning special attack, which is a saving grace, but I find it hard to make good use of the combos. … Unless if it’s a skill issue on my part. 😆
  • Totem Monster [B Tier]: Quite hard to master similar to Shella Snail. Used to be C Tier, but after playtesting, they’re actually pretty decent. Their attacks can cancel out long ranged projectile, except Happy’s charged attack. Using the Down Attack is a VERY useful tool, which you can cancel with a standard attack as a combo string. You can also poke through the opponent with a jump attack, or Down Attack in the air to ground pound them. Their special attack is a black hole that doesn’t deal damage, but it’s quite useful to nullify projectiles and temporarily stops the opponent’s attacks.
  • Happy and Mad [S Tier]: Probably the most powerful playable monster, and it plays like Pyra/Mythra. This is honestly my main, haha. The Grounded Up attack for Mad is by far the most powerful tool you can use, can almost guarantee to break one’s guard at an instant. Not to mention, if you’re on the corner, it’s practically game over for you. Meanwhile, Happy plays like a zoner similar to Shella Snail, but can be a good support against characters like Lily and Orbit and Totem Monster. Honestly, I ALWAYS get sweeped by this CPU if it switches to Mad.
  • Lily and Orbit [High A Tier]: My second favorite playable monster, the neutral grounded attack is one of the strongest two-hit attack, which can easily link up to down attack (Which down attack is the fastest move so far). Plus, using Orbit as a defense mechanism is very ideal if you wanted to gain neutral, and their special is by far one of my favorites, but annoying to up against. However, the biggest weakness is that they’re terrible at zoners like Totem Monster and Shella Snail.

this game is so amazing but you should totally add a heavy or grappler. ;)

This is def agreed with, but shella should be in c tier tbh, her zoning is easy to counter if you get used to it and she has no way to get out of block pressure. And fun fact, what I found out was totem monster is THE happy and mad counter, he has the best get off me tool, good damage if you figure out his mechanic, and also great range.

Yeah, I was mixed to whether if I should have Shella Snail either C tier or low B tier. I think I rated it a little higher because of the existence of Shella Snail’s charged inputs (Especially the Charged up attack) AND the powerful lightning specials. But when I tried to fight against Happy and Mad as Shella Snail, I couldn’t even win a single match.

Yeah, I agree that Totem Monster is a good counter to Happy and Mad, but pretty much hard to master. Similar feeling to Shella Snail, unsure to whether if I could put them either High B tier or A tier. But if I were to choose, I’d rated Totem Monster at Low A tier. Likely because not only it shuts down Happy and Mad (Exception being Happy’s charged projectile), but it also shuts down Lily and Orbit, another A tier.

another H&M main, sam


It might be a problem with my keyboard but when I press: enter and down arrow as player 2, player 1 can't move but jump

that might be a bug

(2 edits) (+1)

is realy god game

but is 2 player requerid :,(

You can play against an AI if you select it during character select. simply press right with the 2nd player's controller on the screen where it says "HUMAN" or "CPU EASY/HARD"

When is the new monster coming out


After reading a bunch of weenter's comments and my vast intellect I have concluded.... no


Yo you can actually cancel dashes by crouching and move forward rlly fast lolll


yeah like Tekken fr


this game is super cool! i like simple fighting games because then the focus is more on what you do with the moves you have rather than remembering super complex combo inputs. i also like that there is a dedicated jump button. lotta fighting games dont have one and it makes me like, claustrophobic. and all the characters and their movesets are so fun and well designed! my favorite is totem monster, with the purple colors :)

Thank you!


I was playing against the hard happy and mad bot and all it did was fireball roll me into the corner and I couldn't do anything please nerf happy and mad 


Same here, it's really annoying playing against happy and mad.(for me it's especially mad).

But there is a way to counter happy fire by carefully jumping,blocking and poking  it helped me sm with happy.

Tho, I also hate mad tho, I kinda wish they nerf that move and buff the other characters more.


Beetle Behemoth!!!!

Hey, weenter, was jump changed to d???? If so, then sad will happen

no? it must be a problem with your keyboard

(1 edit)

Idk if its a skill issue, but mad Dp is Op. Because he can like bring you in a corner and just spam his dp (TnT). Plus, i played happy and mad and my brother he also did not have a good time with mads dp.

So is there a way to fix it or no (-3-) cause my only solution is to maybe make mads Dp a bit slow and less damage for my idea.

we may have a bit different terms for things... do you mean up attack or dash attack maybe?

I think he means that little rainbow jump on happy

Yeah the anti-air of mad

it's literally unblockable in the corner (TDT)

sorry for the late reply my brother was using the computer

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also can you make lily's faded fist a proper dp input on keyboard?

maybe just I'm bad but maybe a little more range on faded fist with projectile invul?

also weentermg if you don't wanna pay for servers for he most part you can do a p2p conection or you could add little 5 dollar skins and then add servers just a thought could even make a lil kickstarter this game is pretty fun 

I am not playing a paytowin

it would be purely cosmetic silly

this is a free game

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and its player 2 player connection fool

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The problem isn't paying for the servers, it's setting up the servers. Network isn't really my thing programming wise, and it's especially difficult in Godot 3 (which I'm using for Monster Battlegrounds), which has much less developed online features compared to Godot 4. Therefore my comments on a budget earlier.

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ahhhhhhh I see I dont use godot

cause I know had a simular proble

If u hire me I will take a look :)

(2 edits)

found a cheeky lil infinte combo on lily on totem just loop I think it was called faded fist(forward hold down forward) and the little sweep gotta do some side attacks to finish them if you did not space it right corner combo btw

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mid screen tod (must have super) dash jump kneex2 into super(walk with them while super is active) dash jump knee x2 should be in corner now then side/neutral attack into faded fist (forward hold down forward) loopx2 up attack and charge orb to kill

I'll clip these and post them sometime later

Unfortunately i can't play this game, each time we try to fight the keys trigger weird things, like screen cap and changes the brightness to the minimun :C

is this happenng in browser, Windows or Linux?



And with which keys is it happening?

Question, is there gonna be a online multiplayer in your game?

probably not, unless someone helps me out with it or I get some sort of large budget, which is not too likely

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I LOVE this game, and all your games in general. It would be cool if you have a Wendigo as a character! maybe something like this! (It could have a shadow thing it uses so it fits into the Puppet archetype!)

hah! you did a good job actually using the game's art style, looks nice!


Thank you!

this is my character idea


this is cool!


nice work :) well fleshed out moveset.

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when is the new brawler coming out

I don't know currently... it will take a while probably

you nice to see you again how's the project character going?


I will attempt to make my monster

Have fun, I'm looking forward to it!

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